Saturday, September 7, 2024

Cheney’s Endorsement of Harris

Cheney is part of the old school leadership who are part of the problem with the leadership of America. From time to time leadership and the status quo must be challenged. These guys, like Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Bush, etc. are as much responsible for our present state as Clinton, Obama, and Biden. They enjoy a huge federal administration that is beholden to them. Their agendas support big pharma, the FDA, the industrial military complex, and socialism because it gives the fed govt more power. Trump is an outsider. He is not a career politician. He threatens them because he is not afraid to expose their wrong-doings and to dismantle the tremendous waste in our fed govt. Look at our budget, our bureaucracy, our wars. Look at our support of Iran for God’s sake! Look at how Biden sacrificed our soldiers and many more with his outrageous withdrawal from Afghanistan? Look at all the money he authorizes to be spent just to bloat the govt and keep people dependent on the fed gov't. Look at all the people being incentivized to cross our borders illegally! And then we are being expected to pay for them over our own citizens??? Look at California. It’s being horribly managed by the same ilk! Why do you think we left? And so many have and are leaving. Trump and the new republicans proved that when they were in office, they brought peace and treaties to the Middle East. They prevented wars. They reduced the flow of illegal border crossings. They focused on improving our economy. They tried to reduce the power of the fed gov’t and return power to the people. They did not weaponize the fed govt against the people. Trump could have easily gone after Hillary Clinton for her crimes, like the Dems have gone after him since DAY 1 with lies that have been proven mostly false. I believe the way forward to improve what is a priority for the US is with Trump, even with his faults. It’s over time to clean house and make some important changes. Look at this alone: Trump stopped the money flow to Iran and to the PA. You do know that our tax dollars was going to terrorists as a reward (Pay for Slay) in Judah and Samaria (aka West Bank) who murder Jews and then Trump stopped it, and then Biden started it up again immediately, including money to Iran. I mean really, that in itself is just crazy! How can you support that? So, in summary, I don’t put any faith in what the Cheneys say, nor in any politician who represents the “status quo.” The status quo has lead us to the truly horrible place we are now, where Jews and Christians are being persecuted, once again, and the US doesn’t stand strong against terrorists, but forces Israel to negotiate with brutal monsters who torture and execute Jews in the worst ways possible. I am confident this BS would not be happening under Trump.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Truth from Gazans

One of the most insightful articles coming from Gazans. It is important for our college students to know these perspectives, especially when faced with the BDS (boycott, divest and sanction) against Israel decision each year on campus. Typically, BDS is presented by "Free Palestine" groups, but you can see from this article, Gazans need to be freed of Hamas. Do what you can to educate your students on this important topic.