Sunday, March 21, 2010

An Article Worth Reading

Mark Steyn is one of my favorite writers. His combined intellect and humor make his articles enlightening and enjoyable. Controversial, yes -- but most often his insights are valid and his predictions come to fruition.

This one in particular shows our future -- especially here in California.

Dark Dawn of Deemocracy, by Mark Steyn

It never ceases to amaze me how some voters opt for increased taxes and bigger government, yet allowing more and more government waste to exist. It is unbelievable the degree to which the government is taking over our lives. Drip, drip, drip -- more control, more control, more control. What has distinguished America from other countries is slowly diminishing.

I have often wanted to ask my family and friends who support increased taxes to pay for programs such as mandated healthcare, "How much of your own money have you donated this past year into charity accounts so that those less fortunate than you could have access to the healthcare that they need?" There are funds available for people who need it -- but how much of those funds go unused because we don't publicize the availability?  Why is it that some people prefer to be forced to pay for a program, via taxes,  that, experience shows us, will be mismanaged by government, when there are other options available that benefit those in need and does not involve the government? What if the funds from government waste were diverted into Health Care Charity Accounts?

Perhaps it is really about the power and less about the health care that is truly motivating our leaders who are so obviously forcing this bill through our legislature.

I look forward to your opinion and comments.

Warm regards,


How well do you know our Constitution?