Saturday, August 18, 2012

Where Your Social Security Money is Going

Social Security Funds Purchasing Ammo

In summary, our administration is purchasing large quantities of ammo with "Social Security" funds to prepare the government for civil unrest. Further, the government and anti-gun groups continue to chip away at our rights to bear arms. The end result is that we, the people, will not be able to defend ourselves as our government takes over more and more control of our lives. Tyranny doesn't happen works its way into a system and that is exactly what is happening here in America. You can sit back, ignore it, deny it and put your head in the sand -- or you can do something about it. Here are a few things we can all do:

1. Vote out this administration
2. Replace members of congress who don't represent us but represent their own self-interest (many on both sides of the isle) or the interests of large government
3. Support the people's right to bear arms

Just look what is happening around the world to tyrannical governments and don't think it can't or won't happen in America.
