Sunday, August 22, 2010

How Would You Respond?

This is what I saw today on my Facebook newsfeed:

‎"We respect divine religions, including the Jewish religion. The problem is with Israel's occupation (of Arab lands), not with the Jews."
-Hussein Rahhal, Hezbollah's media chief

How would you respond?

My response:

What about the Arab lands and leaders who have kicked out all of the Jews and who have taken all of their belongings? And what about the Arab lands and leaders who treat the Palestinians worse than what they experience in Israel? Arabs are persecuting Christians, Jews, Muslims, Women, Gays, etc. -- but people only focus on Israel -- as if every country in the world can do whatever they want -- but not Israel -- no, they must be perfect in every way. I don't seem to recall Israel bombing German schools after 6 million Jews were exterminated." 

The Jews have a right to a homeland. All it takes is for Israel to be recognized as having a right to exist. The truth, is that if the Arabs laid down their weapons, we would have peace. If Israel laid down there weapons, there would be no Israel. Think about what that would mean to all of the world's religions. Let's get real with this issue!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Opposition to The Mosque Near Ground Zero

I vehemently disagree with the President's position regarding the mosque being built two blocks from Ground Zero. While, of course, the group has the "right" to build the mosque; it is incredibly insensitive to the thousands (millions) impacted in 9/11 to rub salt in their wounds and build the mosque so close to Ground Zero. The President is more concerned about the Muslim's feelings and rights, then he is about the souls murdered and the feelings of those mourning their loss and those terrorized in 9/11.

There is plenty of precedent why building a religious or cultural building at or near a battle scene or place of murder (Pearl Harbor, Manassas Battlefield, Auschwitz, etc.) is wrong. There are so many restrictions in this country covering where buildings can be built -- why is the President ignoring these, especially the ones of common decency and respect for the sacred. While our laws provide the right to build a building; there are restrictions as to where a building can be built; (e.g. dance night club near a school).

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Government is Impacting our Free Speech - Again

Have you heard of the "Fairness Doctrine"? Sounds nice, but it will encroach not only on our fundamental and Constitutional Right to free speech, but also our implied right to listen to the radio station of our choice!! I just received a petition in the mail but I never thought it would come to this in my lifetime. I am hoping that people don't continue to be too busy with their lives to realize that their freedom and that of their decedents is slipping away -- little by little. Don't be the lobster that enjoys the warm water! Jump out and say, "Hey, this is getting intolerable and it must stop!!!!!"