Sunday, August 22, 2010

How Would You Respond?

This is what I saw today on my Facebook newsfeed:

‎"We respect divine religions, including the Jewish religion. The problem is with Israel's occupation (of Arab lands), not with the Jews."
-Hussein Rahhal, Hezbollah's media chief

How would you respond?

My response:

What about the Arab lands and leaders who have kicked out all of the Jews and who have taken all of their belongings? And what about the Arab lands and leaders who treat the Palestinians worse than what they experience in Israel? Arabs are persecuting Christians, Jews, Muslims, Women, Gays, etc. -- but people only focus on Israel -- as if every country in the world can do whatever they want -- but not Israel -- no, they must be perfect in every way. I don't seem to recall Israel bombing German schools after 6 million Jews were exterminated." 

The Jews have a right to a homeland. All it takes is for Israel to be recognized as having a right to exist. The truth, is that if the Arabs laid down their weapons, we would have peace. If Israel laid down there weapons, there would be no Israel. Think about what that would mean to all of the world's religions. Let's get real with this issue!


  1. A comment:
    Derek Rishmawy also commented on Joosung Kwon 권주성's status.

    Derek wrote:
    "Joosung...terrorists (like Hezbollah) lie. They are full of crap. They talk about peace but seek only death and power. They talk about talks, but they're really just stalling in order to plan more attacks. They talk about compassion for the Palestinian people,(my people!), and yet they do nothing for them except use them as a convenient excuse for their own destructive activities. They use their words as weapons in the war of deception. It is a point of honor to fool naive Westerners in their war against Israel and anything else they don't like. And seriously, I know about the stories of Israeli soldiers and what happens to Palestinians, how they are treated like crap, and the outrages. I know. But neither Hezbollah, nor Hamas, or the PLO or any of the organizations and countries that say they give a rip about the Palestinians or that they Palestinian situation is their main problem with Israel or the Jews is telling the truth. I can understand someone taking that position. I really can. But when it comes from the Media chief of Hezbollah (read Propaganda Man), I can't take it seriously or believe it or think that its worth repeating seriously. Taken from someone, sure, I get it. But, a quote like that from that guy sounds like when Ahmadinejad says things about "freedom" and such. Its rhetoric.

    I didn't mean to go off, but seriously, as a Palestinian, when I hear about these people I get sick to my stomach. "

  2. A comment:
    Joosung Kwon 권주성 also commented on his status.

    Joosung wrote:
    "Fair point Janet. Lebanon has only recently given their Palestinian refugees the right to work, after decades of inhumane treatment. However, this post was not necessarily meant to blame the whole of Israel in regards to its many human rights abuses, which as you say find good company among its muslim neighbors in the middle east, not to mention america. Rather it was to make the point that a so called terrorist organization could perhaps be more open to religious freedom than the current nature of our intolerant american society.

    I'm not standing by traditional party line here. I don't blame the whole of Israeli society or that of pan-Arab society. But I only seek to point out light where light is shining. This is not to disregard the horrible and unjustifiable violence that Hezbollah has inflicted on innocent Israeli's living in the northern border, but rather to highlight the irony of our current religious situation."

  3. If you are only seeking to point out light where light is shining, then I strongly urge you to shine the light on the unbelievable amount of human advances and benefits that Israel has made and continues to make not only for the world, but in and day out for even those in Gaza and in the West Bank who continuously seek to destroy and to de-legitimize Israel. Do you know how many Palestinians are treated in Israeli hospitals? And how many Israelis are treated in Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Gaza, Saudi Arabia? Don't you find it inconceivable that Jews are not allowed to live (or even visit) in some of these countries? Do you really believe that Hezbollah has no problem with Jews? Then why can't we live there? It would be a greater deed for you to help the Arabs and the world see the love and value that Israel contributes to the world all the time. If you would like to learn more about this, I am happy to share the advances that Israel shares with others every day. Just once in my lifetime I would like to see people rally around Israel for all the good that they bring, then kick her -- especially when she is already down.

  4. From Joosung: Derek you should read the quote... It says nothing about Palestinians. He's talking about Lebanese Jews having the right to rebuild and refurnish their place of worship. Which by all accounts we should take seriously since its happening.

    As ...for propaganda I don't question your concerns. However I think both parties are guilty arent they? Im not for or against Hezbollah or Israel, I am for Human rights. Something that transcends states and borders, Jewish or Muslim, "terrorist" or government.

    Perhaps our American public can learn something about religious tolerance and the right to the freedom of worship from these so called terrorist.

  5. From Janet: I appreciate Derek's brutal honesty. May I offer something that has not been debated quite as much as this topic? My sister wrote a book, Two Stars for Peace. Please read it -- it was a collaborative effort with a long time Palestinian associate and friend. Also, may I suggest you go to the website and listen to her lecture (movie). It is really worth it to read the book too -- while some would consider it "outrageous and ridiculous" -- Jesus wasn't considered "mainstream" either, right?
